21 August 2008

Tattoo Parlor

Why do they call it a parlor anyway?  So, we went to eat on the east side of town on 080808.  I wanted to get some pictures.  Across the street from the restaurant was this place.  I wanted to take a picture of the outside but there were folks hanging out outside.  I was  too self conscious or embarrassed to take a picture with them there.  My husband asked me to ask them to show me their ink.  So hip, he is.  They couldn't hear or understand me, so I had to walk over to talk to them and we - including my 2 young kids, ended up in the place.  They could not have been nicer.  The lady above is also on a roller derby team.  They gave albums of their work to the kids to look at.  Great.  When we left, my son said, "I can't believe you took us to a tattoo place."  I couldn't either.  The photos are blurry because of the light.  I try not to use the flash.  I guess I should have.  I have to do some research on what the name of the place was.  I'll get back to you.

Elementary school open house tonight.  School starts Monday.  Not a day too soon, let me tell you.

Update:  It is called Telepathic Tattoo.  They couldn't tell me why.  Anybody know?


Laura said...

You are officially the coolest mom ever!

ALL THE BEST said...

It's great to hear from you Helen!! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! Send me an email at allthebestblog@gmail.com!

JASClark said...

why are you getting some 'ink'?